Saturday, April 21, 2007

Rabbits and Remixes

Can't believe I haven't written in ever. Wonder how that happened. I had so much to say as well. Well, i can't even remember anything that happened last week.
Well, one of my phones work which is nice. And the washing machine got fixed ages ago. So all that's left is the house phone.

Blah. Last week was pretty standard anyway. Well, if it wasn't then I just couldn't say.

Well Friday I went over to my neighbour Vi's to meet my friend Meg to sort out our baby sitting plan while Vi when to Las Vegas. Meg had Friday to Saturday and I had Saturday to Sunday. Which is right now.

I went over Friday and stayed over anyway. Which was fun. The kid I babysit, Jay, was acting up a lot which is very uncommon. I wanted to see Meg's boyfriend but he never came over. She was pretty mad about it. She might break up with him because of it and because every other girl in school is in love with them and so EVERYBODY has been trying to get them to break up with each other, although he is a senior so school is almost over so it shouldn't be a problem.

Today Jay was listening to a song and he dragged me to go listen to it and it was "Riders on the Storm." I was confused at first because the chorus was Riders on the Storm but I thought it might be a song with the same title but I listened and it sounded like The Doors, so it couldn't have been a remake, but it was actually a remix of the song ft Snoop Dogg. Which was good because Meg liked it and she doesn't typically like old music and loves rap. So it was pretty awesome.

We also went to the plaza here and I was completely frozen. It was the middle of the night and there was absolutely nobody except for a few random people who looked a bit worrying. And it had just finished raining so there was this eerie dripping. After a bit we saw her friend since he works at the movie theater and he said there had been a kidnapping and so we went straight off home. Then about two hours later she said she wanted to go back to which I adamantly refused, and I don't believe in peer pressure. So we got in to bed and blowed dried our feet since it was freezing and had some grahm crackers and attempted to watch "RENT" on my portable DVD player, but I fell asleep after the first song.

I also used some fake tan on Thursday? It was an attempt to see if I'd turn out all orangey. I actually turned out pretty well. Not too bad but a bit of a hassle just to look a darker colour really. Anyways, I didn't quite feel like looking for gloves and so I just used my hands and they've looked a horrible orange colour all weekend and my friends have been asking WHY my art project clay hasn't been washing off. (I don't even take art.) Anyways, thats the last fake tan trial I do.

We also went to the pool today. I liked the pool water, it was rather warm. It was almost the same temperature as the jacuzzi in my opinion. We ended up using some tanning lotion of which I was a bit paranoid. I felt like I was just rubbing wrinkles on as the bottle said "intensifies the heat of the sun" which can't be a good thing. But whatever, I figure my skin isn't going to mind a bit of sun if it never sees it again if I move back to a cold place or if I don't make it past 25. Anyways, I don't really even go to the pool so it shouldn't be an issue. Besides I think it does more damage to the hair than it does to the skin. Maybe not.

As of right now my iPod is running low and I've been watching some Alice In Wonderland, which is a completely creepy movie filled with more philosophy then I ever want to think about, but anyway, here are some quotes:

March Hare: Have some wine.
(Alice looked all round the table, but there was nothing on it but tea.)
Alice: I don't see any wine.
March Hare: There isn't any.
Alice: Then it wasn't very civil of you to offer it.
March Hare: It wasn't very civil of you to sit down without being invited.

Caterpillar: Who are YOU?
Alice: (This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation.) I -- I hardly know, sir, just at present -- at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.

Alice: But I don't want to go among mad people.
The Cat: Oh, you can't help that. We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad.
Alice: How do you know I'm mad?
The Cat: You must be. Or you wouldn't have come here.
Alice: And how do you know that you're mad?
The Cat: To begin with, a dog's not mad. You grant that?
Alice: I suppose so.
The Cat: Well, then, you see, a dog growls when it's angry, and wags its tail when it's pleased. Now I growl when I'm pleased, and wag my tail when I'm angry. Therefore I'm mad.

The White Queen: Can you do addition? What's one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one?
Alice: I don't know. I lost count.

Alice: I can't explain myself, I'm afraid, Sir, because I'm not myself you see.

The Duchess: If everybody minded their own business, the world would go around a great deal faster than it does.

The King: Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.

Alice: But then, shall I never get any older than I am now? That'll be a comfort, one way -- never to be an old woman -- but then -- always to have lessons to learn!

"Which road do I take?" said Alice.
"Where do you want to go?" asked the Chesire cat.
"I don't know," said Alice.
"Then," said the Chesire Cat, "it doesn't matter."

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Place To Be

It would be nice if the sun would start shining more often. Obviously that's ridiculous seeing as it's always sunny, but it would be nice if it was more often. Yes, coming from the girl who had to be restrained from some fellow classmate who nearly had a heart attack when I said I didn't like the sun. She completely manhandled me and I barely knew her. Well, hey, whatever you're passionate about right?

Naturally I still have two tons of hw to do, as obviously I am a procrastinator, and even if I were dying of boredom, I'd much rather be bored than do that hw. I just find it to be a waste of time. Not because it's work, it's just repetitive and takes HOURS. EVERY DAY. So sometimes I just don't do it, which seriously needs to change as I need a decent GPA.

I STILL need to go see my neighbour, but I'm obviously being my lazy self right now. I managed to tape Moulin Rouge as my dad hasn't seen it yet, but naturally, once I mention it's being taped, he just HAS to see it on DVD. Fine.

I am miserably pale. Much paler than is even normal for me, and that's pretty pale. In fact, when I was England, a kid seriously stopped to remark upon how pale I was. Very ego boosting I must say. However, since having lived in Sunny California it has improved somewhat. So, since I am opposed to tanning and such, I need some fake tan immediately. In fact I am probably going to have to get myself up and out the door to go buy some. That and some new eyeliner, which is, quite frankly, low on my list of priorities right now.

... Maybe if I use a load of fake tan, I can get that horrible orange sunburnt look thus fooling people into actually thinking that I did something remotely interesting over break. Right, that kind of reminds me of how I got a four inch scar on my left knee back in Geometry. I had to go to the nurse's office to get it bandaged. It looked completely gross because the only bandages they seem to want to supply you with at school are the thin, see-through kind. It's kind of like mocking the validity of your inflicted wounds when going to the nurse's office. Kind of like how I had to go there earlier this year after some ninth grader "accidentally" threw a big fat rock at my head. Come to think of it, this whole year I'm CONSTANTLY called down to the office. For the most random things ever. It's like they have nothing better to do then call me down to ask me if I'd like to sign up for the new green spinach lovers club specifically for people who are 5' 3. I mean, good lord. Really! Anyways, back to the cut I happened to get the ONE DAY, one of the ONLY days I wore a skirt. Honestly, it's like really bad karma. Oh right, I forgot to mention that I got that cut while I was getting out of the car, first thing in the morning. I guess I can' t really blame anyone for that but I did manage to guilt trip my geometry teacher out of a few assignments. Oh yeah, I got it from sliding a big fact compass over my knee. Accidentally of course. Suffice to say I wasn't about to go around telling people that I cut myself via a compass designed for work in mathematics, so I said I had got it in a skateboarding incident. That only served to get me banned from all skateboarding equipment, with my friends saying that I should never EVER go near anything with wheels that can move. Well, that explains how I got cut getting out of the car. Anyways they were obviously less sympathetic than you would think. So I confessed that it was actually from a compass which actually made the situation worse. Sadly, so. Following this little event I threw away any and all compasses I owned and refused to buy another for the whole of the year.

Anyways, if that totally bored you to death, I reckon you should listen to this amazing song by Kristin Hoffmann:

Definitely not dance material, but good nonetheless.

Kristin Hoffmann - Mary

Err... eventually I'm going to have to tell somebody that this blog exists and that's just going to ruin that "talking to yourself" aspect of blogging. Well, I can wait.

Saturday, April 14, 2007


Well, as of late, you may have guessed that nothing much has happened. Seeing as i'm still in the same situation as before, of course. Well, I guess I get to go to the store today which advocates that "get out of bed" thing. Which of course, is my favorite syndrome. The Mummy is on the telly and I really have missed most of it. But that's what it gets for being on at 12:00 in the afternoon. That's my wakeup time for weekends.

Right, I've gotten way off of the subject which I completely forgot what it was... ???
I do have to get to my neighbour's at some point as well. Especially since I can't ring her up. And now I've just remembered the last time she cut my hair. Which is definitely evident as of now.

Anyhow, I'd probably do better going off to do something that contributes to my daily plan of... well, alright. Fine. Nothing.

School is up and running by monday. What month is it? April. 2 more months and then tenth grade is over. Wow. Then I get some sleep. Possibly more travelling. Could hold off though. .

Actually you'd probably be better off ignoring this entry altogether as I am not entirely sure what it's about.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Soap Break

Ok, fine. So I'm blogging now. I STILL refuse to get a myspace. and that's not changing.

So this week I actually watched some soaps. I haven't for a while and am thoroughly confused, but that is to be expected when watching things of the sort. I'm rather disappointed about the way Sam has been acting on GH and 10x as much in Jason. Well, Jess on One Life has gone WAY out there and am thinking she did a bit too much screaming today. Marty and John. I can see it. I can also see Natalie kicking her ass. AMC. Well, nothing much going on there, but I am actually interested in the Lily/Ava storyline. Much potential. MUCH. If it's the work of the new writers that is. I can't say I hated McTavish too much. She DID bring us Zoe after all :)

Well, both of my phones are broken, and so is the washing machine. And the fixit people are well ignoring us for some reason.
Hopefully they can fix the washer before I run out of clothes.

The fact that my phones are broken just means I can't really do anything over break, like you know, maybe that having people over to watch Love Actually that I didn't have time to confirm. And I've been postponing that since DECEMBER. Well, hopefully no one goes mental on me for my inability to plan.

Am about to eat pizza. I was watching Catwoman but my dad seemed to find people fighting more interesting :/

Well, anyways, hopefully noone ever sees this, but whatever works, ya know?

- Ash
