Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Innocent Tragedies

I didn't go to school today. I had a major migraine. Which really worries me because I saw something on the news that said that every time you get a migraine, you could be getting brain damage and I get them quite a lot, so that can't possibly be good. I think it was actually because it was so flipping hot and then i decided to dance for about two hours and got overheated, especially after the hot shower, i should've just left it cold, or lukewarm because drastic temperature changes aren't good either. Anyway, so I woke up around fifty times, but I woke up around 12:30 when it was officially gone. Which was nice. I recorded a song today which was nice, and I actually think the first recording when the best. Or the third. Can't really decide.

I saw a movie called Catch and Release yesterday which was weird because of the overwhelming attempts at being creative. I swear to god if I have to see ONE MORE movie where they start off fighting and giving glares and then make out I'm gonna go crazy. I'm telling you, the only people that happens to in real life are people who watch too many movies.

My Movie Watching Trivia:
I tend to like the evil characters in movies
I usually like the promiscuous character rather than the innocent one.
I like people who can admit their faults and show that they have some.
I typically like the weird character who always says stuff at the wrong time.
I love it when there are open endings.
Even if I don't like a movie, I might just love it because of the soundtrack (aka Marie Antoinette)

Sadly while I generally like the bad characters I myself apparently look too innocent. Which is sort of tragic, but good at the same time I guess. I feel really bad now because when I was younger I used to do all this stuff and blame it on my cousin even if I did it and everybody believed me. Actually I think my grandma saw me break something one time, and I got away with it on account of: "He told me to." Which is just plain wrong. Not that I was complaining or anything.

Anyways, I missed the makeups for the high school exit exam. NO i did not fail it, I just was absent for the math part. But I heard I did really well on the english bit which was nice.

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