Friday, May 4, 2007

Logarithmic Logging that has absolutely NOTHING to do with Logs. (Thank God.)

Well, I thought this should be easier to update than a journal thing, but maybe not.

So anyways, yesterday night I saw Urinetown (that's right, Urinetown, not "You're In Town" which is what the majority of the sane population originally thought.") with my friend Jess. It was pretty ace. It's a school musical our school put on and they're really talented folks so I really liked it. It was bit long, but I think I might have an undiagnosed case of ADD, so much that I can't even watch TV. The only thing I can keep doing for long is listen to a song and that's usually due to me doing other things at the same time and not noticing that its ended. Jess thought it was absolutely hilarious. She happened to find it very giggle worthy when someone pulled off a girls knee brace and said freedom in the play. I didn't think it was that funny but when she laughs, I end up laughing, and then she started laughing again, and it went on like that for ten minutes. I nearly cried and I reckon we must have looked mental. They did a few song samples from Rent and The Cabaret as well which were fun. I liked the dancing best. I love dancing and so thats what I critique. Anyhow I went and bought our friend Zo who's in the play a bear and a flower from me and my friend Alex and Jess brought a card that we all signed. We waited for her after the show but she was practically last! But she said she really liked the gifts so that was good. I went and talked with Alex and Yael after which was interesting. During intermission I was outside talking to Ella and I said I was cold but that I'd left my jacket inside and she got really worried and asked me if I wanted her to go with me to retrieve it. Naturally I was confounded as I figured you could just leave in your things but she said it was over. So I freaked out and we went back in and I was wondering why there were lots of people still inside and then we checked the program and found out it was intermission. She was a bit embarrassed but we pretended like we had a grand adventure when we found our friends in the loos. Interestingly enough, all of the signs on the toilets said "it's a privilege to pee." It wasn't a very happy ending either. The plays we have are unbelievably strange...
Before the show I talked with Alex in the loos to get her to sign the card and such and interestingly enough she mentioned her 50 cent contribution that got returned today by G'brella. She's actually seeing it again today for free due to her volunteer ushering. I should've done that, then I wouldn't be here writing this nonsense. Actually I would since it's over by now, but still, I wouldn't have gotten this far in my ramblings. There was also a bit of boy talk, but I completely zoned out of most of it as I was busy glaring at the monstrosity that was my hair. But you know, what else can you expect when your hair has been chopped off in uneven lengths in pudding bowl hairstyle but your salon owning neighbour?

Well, Sunday I'm going to G'brellas house to work on a project we've been assigned for history along with Lirpa, Gelly and Evie. Its a video project thats supposed to be for twenty minutes. Crazy. It's on WWII and we're having G'Brellas dad play Mussolini and speak in Italian so I can subtitle it. Naturally I get to be the person with the British accent, but I could always play french or spanish. Although Spain wasn't really involved, was it?
Anyway, I've went and scheduled a "rescue call" for the affair. I initially declined the meeting for other favorable locations to be instead of in a house attempting to write a script that will end up resulting in gibberish mixed up lines and poor acting (not that I'm exempt, mind you. Actually I had this video for Spanish 4 last year and you could literally see me bending down to read my lines with my nose on the paper, and a guitar that I'm supposed to play, in the air. ) The call is supposed to be for bad dates but this applies. I mentioned that I would not be able to get a ride, but some people decide kidnapping you from your house is the best option to get you to participate in school related activities. While actually I did work on the project with Evie for about half an hour on Wednesday. I was there for maybe 3 but at least we got part of a cast list done and researched the battle of normandy. I do want the video to be good though, and thats why I'm going to channel my pro acting abilities, and use my pro writing skills to scripitize a script, and provide a soundtrack and utilize my editing software as a fair contribution in my opinion. Anyways, the rescue call was something I stumbled upon at this site accidentally: The call system is actually very useful. "SCHEDULE YOURS TODAY." WINK WINK Incidentally, I also signed up for a free razor. IT WAS PINK.

Apparently I'm babysitting just about every week now. Vi needs to go see her fiance. Apparently the son of her fiance is sixteen and VERY handsome. All I said was that if he was ANYTHING like her fiance, I would pass wholeheartedly. So naturally she denied, denied, denied. And went on to describe someone sounding fairly boring. But that's alright. It's just not working for me. I need someone funny. That's all. Funny. With good hygiene. I don't think that's too much to ask for but apparently, it is.

I really can't stand the telly. I really can't. It's this little buzzing noise in my ear with absolutely nothing to say. It tells you to buy the "new electronic banana peeler that fits in to twenty five outlets all over the world." None of which fit mine. Naturally. Not that I bought it or anything.
That and it also lets you listen to people complain or talk about absolutely nothing that concerns me or is of interest. They also insist on making commercials immensely long. I can't tell/y you how tired of hearing about statistics I am. OF COURSE YOU'LL AGE BY THE TIME YOU'RE 85. Did you know, that one in one women will die?
Although sometimes football/soccer matches are a bit interesting. I don't know why. It's flipping guys kicking a flipping ball. Oh right, guys.

You know, its really annoying when they give you things like "tests for astigmatism" when you know you have it and you can't understand what on earth they are talking about.
"To a person with astigmatism, some lines may appear darker than the others."
As opposed to what? Some lines ARE darker than the others. Just cos they can't see it doesn't mean I have a problem, shouldn't their keen eyes be able to pick up on such subtleties?

In other situations, my dad did bring me home some hummus today and it was original flavor which was nice. Goodness KNOWS i'm tired of spicy and sour mixes. I practically gave it a welcome home speech and nearly spazzed until I found the pita bread.

I've also taken to mentioning the special connection between my amiga Berry and her chitterchatterargue guy, "Limon." Very sophis, I think. Well, its a lot better than Mevin.

I wonder what you call someone when you are mad at them these days. I think its best to just say nothing or give them a glare as nowadays people just go on saying "hey slut, freak, &%@(#, etc." Very entertaining to watch.

During standardized testing this week I was bored out of my brain. Literally. And I just did my hw all through the extra 2 hours of doing nothing. I did not use my iPod at all. Not once. I'm kind of proud.

I also managed to record 8 songs. Some are ok, the others are well, decent. And then there are the ones that are crap, but we don't mention those.

I have absolutely NO idea of what goes on in Chem. I really don't. I swear to god, that class is crazy. Well, maybe if I did my work more. But then, i've just skived off on three math assignments. oh yay. not really. i'd like to pass for once.
And we're still singing songs in Spanish. You'd think after five years that they'd think you've finished your contribution to the musical arts, but no, they insist on people flaunting their musical incompetence. If this happens in AP next year, I may have second thoughts. You can't honestly expect us to be able to sing songs AND know where pronombre tonicos go, now can you?

Oh yeah, last sunday mads and her friend went and came to my house on account of them having been stranded across the street. Not even giving a thought to the fact that a) I might possibly have just woken up granted it was 5:30, and b) I don't let people in my house.
(Mostly due to the fact that it is messy as hell, and I've got to clean it.) But they used a cell phone and I went with them back across the street and went and bought myself a pizza and some candy. I know, how healthy. Did you know, I can buy grapes at my school for 50 cents!?! That's crazy. G'Brellas brother said 25 cents but I didn't believe him as who sells buckets of grapes at school in the first place?

Oh man I have this huge bruise on my arm after having attempted to climb the gate to my community after having left the keys in my house after Evie dropped me off. Its painful. However I typically do this. As does everybody else, which is why it is not a very safe place, I think. Although if anyone has gotten a serious injury like this, then well, hey, maybe its working.

I babysat last weekend again. I also got to talk to Steve and Megs. Yay. Well, anyways, aside from Jay driving me absolutely up the wall, we went and stayed overnight at my house so Vi could stay over at her fiances. So what happened there was that I found out Jay hadn't seen Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and we went straight to the video store to rent it because every child in the world should see that movie. I LOVE IT. He also actually cleaned his room without a problem. It really was amazing. He was unbelievably hungry though and I had to attempt to make all kinds of food even though I can't cook a thing. We also ended up playing a few games as well, and listened to Barbie Girl. Right. And Meg came over for a bit. Granted we were watching Drake and Josh on account of Jay loves that show, and I've seen WAYYYY more episodes than is humanely palpable. Which kind of reminds me of Evie's house. One of her old favorite songs was called "You Know." It was really funny cos i was reading the second side of the paper kind of reading it and i was about to ask evie if she wrote it and then i turned it to the front and it says in big letters, "YOU KNOW BY DRAKE BELL" It was classic. The lyrics are pretty poor but you know, people like different things i suppose. I ended up watching part of the video but i got really freaked out really quick. Sadly, as many times as i have seen drake and josh i cannot, for the life of me ever remember how the theme song goes. but i pretty much memorize every song i hear within the first time of hearing it. i think its cos jay finds it fun to jump on me or stifle me with pillows. Anyways, I've forgotten what I was talking about and so i'm just gonna go ahead and end the topic.

In Algebra II today we had a sub so I basically played on K-Fizzles calculator for 40 minutes. We even got to do a flash card game for history on a math calculator. We skipped all the math problems of course. Although one question did ask me to read a musical note of which I thought was a C, but apparently it was a middle C. OBVIOUSLY. I didn't even know those existed I guess thats the EGBDF scale and not the FACE scale which are whole notes. I guess. To make it sound logical. Which it isn't.

It was Brookers birthday today. She got given a balloon by Mol in 1st period and it had elmo singing "Happy Birthday" with an eerie laugh at the end every time someone hit it. So naturally it was very "sensitive" and everybody went and hit it. At lunch we had brownies, cookies and some rice krispies made by Savvy who was clearly insistent upon their terrible taste every time I took a bite. She was quite nearly paranoid as they were terrific.

My GOD!!! Everyone I know seems to have rock hard abs. A few days ago I poked Nic's stomach and my god, it was harder than Gabs! and she's a dancer with absolutely no weight. So basically everyone is going around being all strong and flat and then Mads goes aheads and says, "GOSH, only me and ashley have squishy stomachs." which was nice of her to mention. besides she isn't squishy. she's taller than me and weighs 114 lbs. She's flat. But squishy. ??? Lets see, I'm 5' 3 and I weigh, er, hang on... I hesitate to mention on a public facility but its only 108 right now, but I'm still growing. Round the middle that is. Not that I care, food is my love. I'm good.

We had testing today. After my friends exboyfriend was waving to me and I just ignored him. And then at lunch he went and mentioned it and I just said that I simply didn't see him. And then he said, "there was direct eye contact! I waved, and then you put your head down on your desk." My response? "I'm passive."

Well my friend Gabs has broken up with her bf finally. They've been offagainonagain for ages. So I guess that doesn't really count as news then. Moving on.

Mads did get mad at Gabs the other day, she thinks she was flirting with her aforementioned ex-bf and got really jealous. Gabs firmly denies it, HOWEVER, anyone who knows Gabs knows that every time she talks, she is flirting. She shouldn't be blamed for it if she hasn't got a clue but you can't tell that to some people.

I did burn my pizza. And managed to accidentally make Mads cry in remembrance of her old bf. I also got sent about 5 pics of their old escapades.

I also need to buy a new pair of boots. I now have only 150 dollars maybe. Oh well, there should be a discount, it's summer.

I have no idea why I've just spent about an hour logging this all down. Well, whatever works.

Tomorrow being cinco de mayo, I'm going to have to go to Chevy's and have some fabulous comida. Reservations anyone?

I think I need to go to a concert. Dunno, just a hunch.